• Alaa gave me good information, and established a thought process for me going forward in E-Commerce. Thank you Alaa.

    Nick Kinnard

  • Before speaking with Alaa, I felt I was all over the place with my business & ideas and was unsure of which direction to go in. Alaa provided valuable insight and a great direction for me. He was detailed and clear. I have more clarity and confidence now in which direction to take. I plan on speaking with him again after I finish my one page plan! Thank you so much!

    Muhita A.

  • Alaa helped us find a greenfield opportunity. Really liked the energy with which he shared his idea. Highly recommended if you are looking ecommerce advice.

    Mohammad Aqueeb

  • Extremely helpful to pinpoint some KPIs to check in regard to CRO and what direction to take based on different metrics.

    Rick Versace

  • It was a very useful call with Alaa. His advice was appropriate and well-targetted to my needs as we discussed the fundamentals of beginning a dropshipping business.

    Douglas Thoms

  • Alaa is very experienced!

    Baraa Jouda

  • Super valuable insight and feedback - not just in terms of SEO efforts but more so on a higher level from a business standpoint. Would highly recommend for everyone seeking advice in the ecommerce world to connect with Alaa.

    Lucy Lanci

  • My partner and I had a call with Alaa and we was very helpful. We highly recommend his service.

    Andressa Fernandes

  • Alaa was extremely knowledgeable and helpful. I received a lot of value from our call and will be implementing everything we went over on my email marketing. Thank you so much for your time and expertise Alaa!

    Richard Nguyen

  • Lots of good ideas and very knowledgeable!

    Dave Alexander

  • Very helpful and generous with his feedback and time! Thank you!

    Justin Greely

  • I was looking for information on starting an e-commerce and got so much more than expected. Now I know what I need to do to get going and move forward with my research. Excellent and insightful call. Thank you!

    Kristine Antonova

  • Great call! Highly recommend Alaa for anyone looking to increase their conversion rates. We discussed store layout/quality, user journey, and much more!

    Karl Bartling

  • Alaa was very helpful in discussing potential tests for our website and frameworks to use while optimizing our conversion rate. He had a fresh and helpful perspective.

    Michael Pierce

  • Alaa is super knowledgeable and experienced. He offered lots of great advice and guidance on how to build a marketing function from nothing, including what roles to hire and in what order. Thank you very much Alaa!

    Johnny Lasater

  • Very good Advice from Alaa, definitely recommended

    Amro Helali

  • Alaa completely changed the way I think about finding products and gave great ideas on testing. Definitely worth getting on the call. Thanks!

    Matt Clarke

  • I provided a pretty extensive background information doc and Alaa came prepared. Thank you for all the actionable info.

    Ryan Schortmann

  • Extremely valuable call. Straight to the point... Thanks Alaa

    Shadi Aljazzar

  • Outstanding professional. He was the only ever requested the question in advance to come prepared. Super focused to give the maximum knowledge in the minimal amount of time. We managed to squeeze all the questions we had in a very short timeframe. Highly recommended!

    Avi Revivo

  • Alaa got to the core of what I was looking for. Broke down actionable items, great concise communication skills and vast experience on ecommerce growth. Highly recommended.

    Andres Gutierrez

  • Great guy with sound advice. Thanks, Alaa.

    Brendan Beasley

  • Excellent conversation and details provided. Thank you!

    Nargis Naqvi

  • Really happy with the insight Alaa provided. Will consult him in the future again for sure.

    Paul-Leonard Büchse

  • Alaa was great. He mentioned things that I needed to work on and offered awesome resources and insights. I will schedule a call again.

    Phurba Sherpa

  • Alaa gets straight to the point on every call and doesn't waste a minute. He provides a ton of valuable insight, easily worth the price.

    Jesse Day

  • Alaa's advice is straight to the point and relevant. His knowledge and passion for ecommerce means he has the answers you need to drive your idea or business in the right direction.

    Alicia Monasso

  • Really got a lot out of this call. Will be requesting again. Thank you Alaa!

    Alexandra Checa

  • Alaa was AMAZINGLY helpful. I extended our 30 minute call to 70 minutes because his thoughts were gold. And he had so many incredibly helpful ideas and thoughts for us. Alaa, will definitely be connecting with you again. Thank you :)

    David B.

  • The meeting was very informative and very helpful. We will be following up with another meeting.

    Ope Adegbulu

  • Alaa was so helpful with his crystal clear advice! He was willing to help me right after our brief chat and instantly wanted to explain in better detail in a call. If I have any e-commerce questions, I now know where to go. Thank you!

    Kailey Hawn

  • Alaa is a wonderful teacher. Simply Amazing. He uses so many examples, so many tricks, so many help links.... the list will be so long how he succeed to help me to finally start a Ecommerce. Merci Beaucoup.

    Veronique McKenzie

  • Alaa is very knowledgeable and provided actionable advice that I'm positive will help grow my email marketing efforts - thanks again Alaa!

    John Fung

  • Alaa, was very generous with his time and knowledge. I was particularly impressed by his emphasis on taking action. I left the call sufficiently encouraged and motivated to take the actions that I should have been taking but just haven't yet done. I look forward to future interactions with him.

    Andre Robb

  • I've been researching business / Ecom courses & coaches for over a year now. I'm glad I decided to go with Alaa'. The level of detail and attention in his questions to find out about what you do, your pain points and steps need to be taken are exactly what I needed to start scaling up my business. Went above and beyond and I've had mentorship calls before that were nothing compared to this. I 100% recommend him. Thank you so much.

    Lulu Lange

  • I got soo many great idea's & feedback from him.

    Firoz Lalani

  • Alaa is very smart and insightful! He clearly has a vast knowledge of ecommerce and strategy and immediately was able to understand our challenges and add value. I highly recommend!

    Wesley farrell

  • Very insightful call - a ton of very salient information.

    Jason E.

  • Understands your difficulty & discusses to the point.

    Zaheed Alli

  • Very valuable, Alaa asked the right questions in order to point us in the right direction. It was definitely worth the investment, it helps you to clear the path and move forward, it helps to gain time. Thanks again Alaa.

    Francois Xavier Durand

  • Exception call. I need a reality check on my growth plans. Alaa asked open ended questions that help me figure out if my plans net the rigor of objective business logic. Not what i wanted to hear, but what i needed to hear.

    Robert Vendryes

  • Call with Alaa was EXCELLENT. Easy to tell he's very knowledgeable in e-commerce. He also took the time to prepare for the call so he was ready to answer questions and more. Definitely recommend! Thanks Alaa.

    Steve Waddell

  • Perfect call. Alaa gave me a lot of tips and advice for my next step and help me with the building an online strategy. I definitely got a lot of clarity about business and I will definitely implement and come back.

    Alice Wang

  • Alaa knew his shit 💪

    Jalmari Kivinen

  • Alaa was generous with his time and insight. Very helpful. Hope to call on his insight again soon.

    David Cullinan

  • The best 30 minutes of real-world, actionable advice specifically relevant to my situation I have ever had! It really helped me to see the situation from a fresh perspective and getting advice from an expert in the field was extremely helpful! I will be calling again in future!

    Sam Fickling

  • Incredible knowledge! A+ Will speak to Alaa again!

    Jon Nestorovic

  • I was amazed at how helpful this call was. alaa was great at pointing out specifically what was wrong with my approach to ecommerce and the insights that he gave me were invaluable. I would defo jump on a call with him again.... thanks again brother!

    Mohammed Mahdi Said

  • He was amazing! Going to be order again soon.. Very informative and articulate

    Brendan Ward

  • Alaa was very helpful. He threw a cold towel on my excitement but in a positive, constructive way. I now know I have a lot more work to do before launching my product but I also have a much clearer picture of what to do and how to do it. He recommended many different ways to test my product and provided specific resources for doing so. He also helped me organize my priorities and get a better picture of my game plan. He did this succinctly, staying on track throughout the call. Highly recommend.

    Adam Waitt

  • Great session Alaa thanks so much for the insight.

    Walid Khalil

  • Alaa is excellent, comes to the call prepared and gives great direction!

    Chris Weiland

  • Very precious insights! Clear analysis of our website and our Facebook performance. I'll call him again in the future! Highly recommend :)

    Nikas Bergaglio

  • Mr Alaa is excellent. In particular, I loved the fact that he's being brutally honest with how your work appears to be. I certainly recommend him as your eCommerce advisor. Absolutely worth it. Thanks very much, Mr Alaa!

    Aakash Barmeda

  • I just love working with Alaa. He has a wealth of info on anything related to ecommerce. He comes with a an attitude of how i can deliver the maximum value and how can i provide the right info to the client.

    Jaya Patel

  • Really appreciate Alaa's ability to pull from his own experience to share best practices and thoughts on my questions!

    Melissa Rodriguez

  • A fantastic call, Alaa has really helped me to focus down on key areas that can have the most impact on my business. Extremely helpful!

    Louise Mangan

  • Alaa has a lot of knowledge and experience , will always seek your advice for future knowledge .

    Nayef Buali

  • Alaa really knows his stuff. Very insightful business & online marketing advice. Gave me fresh ideas and angles on e-commerce that I had never considered. I'll be speaking with him again soon.

    Apurv M

  • The call was amazing. I got so much more advice and great tips than I was expecting. I definitively plan to have another call soon with Alaa.

    Derek Nazzal

  • Alaa was great! Before the call he took the time to study about our business, so he was already prepared for the call with strategies and suggestions. His advice was priceless, he shared a completely different point of view and provided solutions to each and every problem we faced. He is very patient and understood all our need with great detail. We will have a second consultation without any doubts.

    Alejandro Weingarten

  • Alaa is truly a subject matter expert in CRO. His insights into how to drive better conversions are extremely practical in nature. I'd definitely recommend talking to him about this.

    Sai Girish

  • Always a pleasure working with Alaa! Very helpful and extremely knowledgeable!

    Josh Lampp

  • Alaa you really should increase your rates. Alaa is highly skilled in giving you constructive feedback on your website, marketing and strategy. I was hesitant to book him because his rates were low and I wanted to get some quality input on my current marketing and strategy and direction for my LED Wristband business. Alaa really nailed it with a ton of information and actionable tasks for me to do on my current website.

    Udi Ura

  • Wow! this is what I was looking for when I joined Clarity. Alaa delivered ten times more than what I was expecting, and when our call ended I was left with a lot of valuable information, and actionable items that I could execute immediately. He is definitely someone I plan on speaking to regularly as I continue to grow my business.

    Eni Lad

  • Always actionable and amazing advice.

    John Paul Narowski

  • Alaa was extremely helpful in providing a wide range of support on eCommerce issues and questions. There are pages worth of notes with actionable steps I will be taking from his advice in the coming months. I'm excited to apply his insights!

    Scott Nobriga

  • Excellent call. Alaa Hassan is extremely knowledgeable and definitely worth the time. I have already started adopting his suggested strategies in our marketing efforts. Thanks Alaa.

    Asker Ahmed

  • Absolutely incredible. This was one of the most groundbreaking calls to our Strategy. Alaa came fully prepared to the call, no time was wasted. A true genius and frankly he saves us MONTHS of iteration. Loved every minute, and We will 100% be speaking to him regularly to constantly refine our approach. Thank you so much, Alaa.

    Milan Amin

  • Knowledge and gets straight to the point. Good suggestions and very helpful. Would consider setting up another call down the road.

    Kevin Ho

  • Alaa was precise to the point and a no nonsense kind of guy. I like his style.

    Yvonne Szeto

  • Loved Alaa's insights. He has deep hands-on experience with SMB to Enterprise E-commerce companies. He always has very relevant suggestions for your questions and doubts. He is very invested in your personal success. I intend to keep consulting him throughout my e-commerce journey.

    Pooja Dave

  • Alaa was EXTREMELY helpful on this call. We discussed my initial question and he gave some great recommendations on that portion. But in addition, he provided some very specific information that confirmed and solidified my initial thoughts regarding the direction of my own client work. I will be speaking with Alaa again soon!

    Byran Robinson

  • Alaa gave me great insights on how to start my Social Media Agency, you can see he's dealt with plenty of other digital marketing agency's before

    Tomás Maques

  • Hassan is every information and has helped me with the beginning stages of a road map for my new venture.

    Jade Wiggins

  • The conversation with Alaa was very useful and he gave very specific inputs to my questions. If you want to understand e-commerce and marketing better, give him a call.

    Amit Ghasghase

  • Very helpful call and covered a lot! I'll be implementing what I learned and will seek further advice from Alaa at a later stage.

    Iana Vorotilo

  • Alaa gave us a lot of advises, we got a lot of things to improve. Thank you very much! Will contact you again soon!

    Christine H.

  • Alaa has been exceptional with his advice. He's to the point, clear in his thinking, has sound reasoning and is a very good listener. I am new to creating products in the ecommerce space. Alaa's insights have helped me understand the industry in a very quick time, and I've incorporated a lot of his feedback. I look forward to future calls with him.

    Ashwin Gupta

  • Mr. Hassan is extremely knowledgable on all fronts of marketing. I was provided with great insight to bring our company's social media to the next level. I will definitely be calling again as we progress. Thanks for the wonderful insight Alaa!

    Taylorr Payne

  • Alaa *really* knows ecommerce. We were originally scheduled to talk for half an hour, however I was learning so much from him that we kept talking for over one and a half hour. Right from strategy to tactics to how the ecommerce landscape is changing, he covered it all.

    Sanket Nadhani

  • Very detailed and helpful. Thanks for the call.

    Ashwin Gupta

  • Great call, Alaa gave me the direction I need to research and grow my business.

    Brandon Mack

  • In such a short phone call, Alaa gave me some practical strategies that my website can improve on. Can't wait to impliment them and see some changes.

    Sarah Leung

  • I had some questions regarding email marketing and ads. Very in depth knowledge and extremely professional. The call with Alaa was worth the price many times over!

    Kirby Fike

  • Alaa was extremely helpful and very gracious with his time. He has expert knowledge and gave me a good amount of quality information to start growing my e-commerce business. I can't thank him enough. I will be calling him again.

    Gina Trave

  • Alaa gave great insight into my website on the first call. He brought up views from the customer's perspective and he was very helpful. I had a page of notes and will definitely be calling him again.

    Jamie Gomez

  • A hugely knowledgeable and genuinely helpful guy!

    Paul Reichman

  • Great Great Great call with Alaa. He helped me get unstuck and I can't wait to implement what he has taught me.

    Imani Simpson

  • Alaa is awesome! Gave some fantastic actionable advice, friendly, and easy to talk to. Will be taking many more calls with him going forward.

    Ryan Sorensen

  • Alaa gave great advice. To be effective in ecommerce seems so overwhelming. But it was great advice and he gave me a lot with which to begin. Thanks!

    Katherine Dickens

  • I'm very very glad we spoke. A call like this is so valuable and I'm so glad I've found the Clarity website. Alaa listened to my idea to start with and then asked me questions and it felt like the fog lifted slowly but surely. In the end we had formulated the birds-eye strategy as well as a to-do list of where to go now. Great stuff, thanks Alaa, will be in touch sooner or later!

    Viktor Otterskog

  • Amazing call! Now I have a very clear vision on how to take my company and my brand to the next level. Looking forward to our next call

    Jazzel Yousef

  • Alaa critiqued my business and current strategy with great insight. Not only did he explain his thoughts clearly and succinctly but he was a great listener too.

    Darren Hutchison

  • Alaa was very honest with me right from the start, and gave some really good advice + guides to read and really motivated me! Definitely gonna schedule another call.

    Stany Vanhemelrijck

  • Alaa had a lot of great, actionable information. My only complaint was that my hand hurt from writing so much down. I left the call with clear next steps of what needs to be done. Thank you

    Kevin Sanderson

  • I spoke with Alaa regarding a client I am working with that sells a product online. Prior to the call, he asked me for the backstory in order to have a pointed conversation when we got on the phone. The amount of valuable information I received within this call on site optimization and ecommerce was impressive. If I did not do this call I fear how long it would have taken me stumbling around to figure these things out. Highly recommended!

    James Malvesti

  • Alaa gave a ton of actionable ideas during our call and helped me figure out the highest priority actions to take to increase targeted traffic to our website. Highly recommended.

    Michael Heu

  • Great call with Alaa. Gave me lots of direct and useful advice based on experience he has had. Definitely showed me things I hadn't thought of that could improve my business.

    Mark Zabel

  • I had a fantastic call with Alaa. He exudes knowledge in all facets of ecommerce. He gave me great insights and actionable advice that I can now implement. He helped narrow my focus on what is important for my situation.

    Sabeel Ahmed

  • Thanks Alaa! Great insights. He simplified my problem with a straightforward solution and has me thinking about new client engagements differently. A Clarity asset!!

    Chad Pavel

  • Alaa is super passionate about what he does and it was inspiring to hear his marketing insights. I look forward to future calls with him!

    Abeiene Nejar

  • Great call - recommended specific strategy to follow - thanks again Alaa

    Lar Yu

  • Alaa was extremely helpful with my ecommerce questions. I'll definitely be requesting another call soon. Highly recommended

    Brent Daniel

  • Very professional I would definitely recommend he was very insightful and concise I believe his price is a bargain!

    Miguel Ruiz

  • My first call with Alaa was very productive. He gave me so much instructive information. He direct me to the right way. I will definitely get back to him very soon. Thank you Alaa

    Driss Krafess

  • This was the best call I've had on clarity. Alaa was to the point and addressed all of my points early without hesitation. It's clear he is an expert in being eCommerce sites.

    William Huston

  • Alaa provided a lot of valuable information and actionable suggestions in a call last just under an hour. Highly recommended.

    Collin Moshman

  • Lots of actionable insights that I can use for my testing for the next while. Great insight.

    Jordan Arsenault

  • Great knowledge, great value. Worth every second

    Phil Williams

  • Alaa was extremely prepared for the call and offered very concise and detailed instructions on the implementation of the advice given!

    Cadence Watch Co.

  • Alaa is super knowledgeable on eBay / Amazon selling. His help saved a lot of time for us.

    Scott Evans

  • Some really awesome advice from Alaa. Very knowledgeable, saved me a lot of time and money! Will deff speak again!

    Michael krikheli

  • It was a great call. It was more of a wakeup call than anything for me to practice what I already preach. Alaa knows what he is talking about and helped me mind map where I need to be. He also gave me a few good marketing tools to use. Thanks Alaa.

    Colin McGuire

  • Alaa is the man! In fact my hand still has a massive cramp in it from writing down all his valuable advice from this morning!

    Sterling West

  • Alaa was great! Promptly answered my request within minutes to talk. Friendly yet to-the-point and honest about how/where he could help me. Felt like the therapy that I needed a long time ago! Definitely use him for your greater/abstract eCommerce needs.

    Nic Werner

  • Alaa was a great listener and was very help in providing the advice I needed to hear about recruiting talent and understanding the key points that are important when making these decisions. Provided practical/actionable information.

    Adem Ogunc

  • It was clear from the beginning of our conversation why Alaa is a sought-after advisor. He gave critical and poignant advice for my website. I thoroughly enjoyed our conference and how he gave a 360 growth plan. Now it's time to get to work!!! Thanks Alaa.

    Charlynda - The #girlboss of Mutt's Sauce

  • Great advice and very straightforward and easy to implement!

    Robert Armstrong

  • I spent most of the day yesterday incorporating Alaa's advice into the redesign for our website. I still have more to do today! So, a lot of insight, both in terms of specifics and general principles. Alaa also used to show me his screen during the call, which was very useful since Clarity only gave me a phone number. Overall excellent value for 1 hour, and advice that should have impact on our bottom line well in excess of the cost.

    Stephen Munday

  • Alaa has deep domain knowledge on the subject (ecommerce), a ton of experience which comes through when consulting with him, and provides hard hitting feedback in a concise punch. Super, super useful, recommended, wherever you are in your process - Alaa will just help you get further along so your ROI with him is not even a question.

    Alexander Baiedi

  • Alaa has an in-depth understanding of ecommerce and a wealth of information to offer. He is professional and pleasant to speak to. Even in a short call, Alaa will provide helpful tips and sound business advice.

    Gianna Caucci

  • Absolutely awesome. Alaa had torrents of tactics covering everything from powerful social acquisition through to creative Ecom lead gen funnel strategies. Highly recommended.

    Mark Patchett

  • Alaa calls attention to things you never even thought about. So much good information. Thanks for talking to me, Alaa! Now I have to get to work implementing your suggestions.

    Donna Tomaszewski

  • It will amaze you how certain things that you look at every day are incorrect. By following Alaa's recommendations and tweaking a few things after our first call, our Amazon sales shot up by a whopping 20%. Absolutely amazing!

    Ashkan Aghassi

  • Alaa is absolutely wonderful. I am starting a business where I needed help deciding on a video platform to conduct sales. He offered me several solutions to choose from. It was evident he was highly qualified and was extremely willing to share his expertise in the sales world! I definitively plan on using Alaa again in the furture for more business advice. He is very inspirational and motivating.

    Krista Schumacher

  • Professsional and excellent call - I now feel more confident in pursuing my new business venture. I also feel peace of mind knowing I can rely on Alaa's expertise to guide us in the right direction along the way. Thank you!

    Wendy Anaya

  • I got lot of new information about improving my brand by changing or removing or adding some stuff... Also he gave me lot of ideas about improving my brand... I learned lot of things that can make my brand to be improve to a whole new level. Also he gave me new ideas that will help me to increase the interest of people to my brand... I recommend to everyone... Thanks Alaa Hassan...

    Reda Issa

  • I was scheduled to speak with Alaa for 15 minutes. We ended up talking for 1 hour. You can tell he has the knowledge and expertise. I will be talking to him again once I finish my To-Do list.

    Mohamed Merali

  • Dude is the online retail oracle.

    Julius Haralampou

  • My call with Alaa was extremely helpful and straight forward . Many simple, but useful and effective recommendations were made and explained why they should be made. Alaa has an obvious wealth of knowledge when it comes to anything Ecomm related . I look forward to implementing the points that were recommended to be and can't wait for the next call to learn even more. It takes a lot for me to recommend someone , but I can honestly recommend Alaa with complete confidence .

    Jamie Bobrow

  • Alaa got straight to the point and I appreciated his honesty. I feel confident moving forward with the points we discussed and look forward to our next call down the road.

    Zachary McCullough

  • Thank you very much for your time Alaa, I truly appreciate your advise and insight into our requirement. Thanks again

    Kashif Ali

  • Alaa was very helpful in discussing changes to improve the conversion rate on an ecommerce site.

    Andrew Maury

  • Alaa doesn't pull any punches and can give a days worth of consulting in about 30 mins. You mihgt not like what he has to say but you will respect it.

    Nicholas Jones

  • Alaa was quick and concise with great advice. I have a nice list of recommendations, tweaks, and fixes to work on thanks to his experience and advice. Get on a call with him! You won't regret it.

    Curtis Blackmore

  • I originally booked Alaa for a 15-minute call however I was so amazed by his broad spectrum of knowledge that our call ended up lasting an hour. Alaa is knowledgeable about virtually every facet of eCommerce and I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to speak with him. He is humble and professional and speaks from a position of great experience. Alaa is truly a Professor of eCommerce. I definitely foresee calling him again.

    Ashkan Aghassi

  • I enjoyed my call with Alaa and would recommend him to others looking for e-commerce advice. He was direct and honest, and offered many recommendations to improve my business. I will work with him again.

    Matt Stern

  • I can honestly say that the information that Alaa provided me with will save me time and money! Excellent information and very specific steps I can take immediately to grow my business. Thank you Alaa!

    Rosanne Pitzer

  • Very detailed in his explanations. Listened very well and gave precise instructions on which steps should be taken next. Will definitely call again.

    Philip Monde

  • I learnt more in 20 minutes than I did in the previous 20 days. Alaa has so much knowledge and it is worth to have a call with him! Highly recommended!

    Deepak Kanakaraju

  • Great advice and excellent information on conversions!

    Bart Wisniowski

  • Alaa smashed me with tough but very true feedback - very knowledgable and quick thinking.

    Nicholas Jones

  • Excellent hour of information! Great knowledge of the business and very clear on how he explains everything!

    Alejandro Tonos

  • Alaa has great and fast responses to your questions. You can tell right away he knows from experience. He is also honest which made me feel a lot more comfortable trusting his advice even further. I will implement the small changes we discussed and come back later! I recommend him for any size e-commerce site.

    Chris Becker

  • Alaa provided me with great feedback and insight to all my questions. Will continue calling back for more feedback in the future. A+++

    Pat Garcia

  • Alaa was very knowledgeable and helpful on my issue. He helped me move forward with my project quickly.

    Matt Kennedy

  • Alaa was very helpful, and provided pivotal insight into e-commerce ecosystem that helped me in lots of regards with my product strategy.

    Boris Krstovic

  • This is any online retailers dream come true! No where can you find all the resources necessary in one place that I can honestly say have been validated by Alaa. It's impossible to pin point one reason why The eCommerce Toolbox is awesome so here are a few: 1) you can truly focus on what tools are necessary depending on your companies status (starting, expansion etc.) 2) there are always a few options per section 3) the bonus tools like the upcoming years marketing calendar makes purchasing this toolbox a no-brainer. 5 stars!

    Morris Shipper

  • Simple yet EFFECTIVE! We all know how to find resources... but to have the TOP ones ALL in one place (not to mention organized by section) makes this tool seriously awesome. Thank you Alaa!!! Looking forward to seeing you grow.

    Alyssa Leibner

  • A Treasure Trove of eCommerce Tools The eCommerce Toolbox helped us to find the tools we needed to get the job done. This toolbox is a must for anyone serious about eCommerce!

    Lisa Halang

  • I wish I had this toolbox years ago! The way that the eCommerce Toolbox is constructed makes it incredibly easy to navigate and the amount of resources that the toolbox contains is incredible. I have spent so much time over the years signing up for different services that I've found online just to be disappointed with them and cancelling soon after. This toolbox takes a lot of that guess work out of the equation. I really like the fact that you can discover so many new tools that have already been tested and approved by one of the best in the business. There are two new resources that I've been using since the day I first got into the Toolbox that I don't think I could live without now. You definitely knocked it out of the park with this one. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us. It's worth its weight in gold!

    Adam Ivy

  • Alaa has helped me and my clients increase their sales 10x, if you are looking to run a long term eCommerce business I highly recommend Alaa Hassan as a resource.

    Luiz Cent

  • I had the pleasure of working under Alaa's guidance at in Marketing & Social Media. You can't help but be swayed and drawn in by the knowledge and passion that he has for eCommerce, social media & digital marketing. He truly makes you a believer. He's definitely an innovator in the field & I feel lucky having worked with him all that time because it allowed me to become a much better digital marketer myself.

    Robert Postuma

  • I originally booked Alaa for a 15-minute call however I was so amazed by his broad spectrum of knowledge that our call ended up lasting an hour. Alaa is knowledgeable about virtually every facet of eCommerce and I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to speak with him. He is humble and professional and speaks from a position of great experience. Alaa is truly a Professor of eCommerce and I recommend checking out his site: I definitely foresee calling him again.

    Ashkan Aghassi

  • Alaa is extremely knowledgeable about anything eCommerce. I refer many questions I have to him and always recommend him if anyone is looking for an ecom consultant. He is a great guy to work with and I enjoy hearing all of his ideas, many of which I have implemented in my own business. When he talks you get excited and pumped to make moves that will take your company to the next level.

    Andy Eastes

  • I came across Alaa from a friend of mine. I asked who he had work with in the past that he could refer and he said Alaa was the guy he had the best results. Our company has been working with Alaa and he is the real deal. I would feel more than confident in referring him to anyone. He really cares about your company and results.

    Renee Tenison

  • Alaa has been great to work with. He takes time to make sure you understand his reports and recommendations. He only suggests projects that make sense for your business. He has the integrity you won't find very often these days. On a couple of occasions I requested he work on a project for me and he showed me why it did not make sense for our business. He would have made more money doing the projects but he knows that kind of integrity will get you more work and referrals in the long run. I would not hesitate one second in recommending Alaa for your project.

    Brad King

  • I've had the pleasure of knowing Alaa as a friend for over 6 years now. Most recently, I hired Alaa as an e-commerce marketing/consultant and coach. Alaa has breathed life back into our e-commerce manager. Much like a head coach of a football team, Alaa advises the e-commerce team I have in place at Street Moda and myself and teaches, trains, launches and monitors all aspects of our e-commerce strategy, including Paid Search, Organic Search, Social Media, Website Development, Website Design, Contest, etc. Alaa shows you results with his easy to read weekly and monthly reporting. Nothing is promised in the age of the internet but Alaa is one of the few people who delivers on promises.

    Matt Kubancik

  • Alaa’s enthusiasm and excitement for ecommerce is truly contagious and his method in delivering and sharing his skills and advise cannot be matched. You only need 5 minutes with Alaa to give you that initial push to bring your idea into an online masterpiece. Spend more than 5 minutes and you could potentially have enough skills to sell snow online to Eskimos!

    Ali Albahrani

  • I had the pleasure of working with Alaa for two years as Inet Video's account executive from Canada Post. During that time, I found Alaa to be an energetic, strategic and innovative leader with exceptional marketing instincts and business savvy. He is an inspiring individual, with the right balance of professionalism and sense of humor to effectively lead, mentor and build relationships. I strongly endorse Alaa's work and would proudly recommend him.

    John Banith

  • I think it was a really nice module because it explains simple stuff but actually, it is REALLY important information to start with any project. Course: How to Create an Online Store That Sells

    Jorge Somarriba

  • Great course to understand how a shopping card works. I'm ready to open my online store. Course: How to Create an Online Store That Sells

    Rodrigo Bazan

  • Very useful! Good course from a to z to create an Online Store! Course: How to Create an Online Store That Sells

    Marc Catalan

  • Very Useful and Clear! Thank you Alaa, great course; easy to navigate, very clear content, great examples and great flow for the modules. Congratulations! Course: How to Create an Online Store That Sells

    Mariana Sanabria

  • The best way to know which is the best ecommerce platform! The internet is full of opinions about which is the best ecommerce platform but what better way than to receive this valuable information from one of the top ecommerce guys like Alaa Hassan, now I have the information digested by an expert for the best decision Course: How to Create an Online Store That Sells

    Art Sanchez

  • Amazing Course! The course is simple and straight forward, with a lot of valuable informations. Absolutely recommend to the people who is looking to understand the importance of a product. Course: How to Find a Product That Sells

    Kevin Pham

  • Really liked and enjoyed the course. It was very easy to navigate, with excellent method and content.

    Mariana Sanabria

  • It was a great training course, I am now clear with the tools I need to naunch a new product on a website. Course: How to Find a Product That Sells

    Rodrigo Bazan

  • So far so good! Very well structured. Course: How to Find a Product That Sells

    Afa Habibi

  • Quick course yet very valuable! I usually don't enjoy participating in mindset courses (even though I should) - however, I loved how relatively short this course was yet, it provided tons of tips and suggestions on how to overcome barrier! Loved the 2 min rules (I live by that rule these days) + the weekly planner to ensure productivity!! Course: How to Upgrade Mindset for eCommerce Growth

    Lucy Lanci

  • Plan your work and work your plan! Taking this course helped me gain a better understanding of planning and working my plans. Course: How to Upgrade Mindset for eCommerce Growth

    Ali Ghamlouch

  • Unexpected Course!! Amazing content. Short and sweet! I didn't expect that. It's short and pure content. Obviously, mindset is really important. It's what makes a business successful or not. I love the part about productivity where he explains how to get things done. He surprised me with how to take care of yourself first with daily routines, and healthy habits (exercise and food). I am not a big fan of exercise but I know it's good for my health. I started to apply some of his lessons to my daily life. Again the course is only valuable if you applied the concept that's how you learn. Course: How to Upgrade Mindset for eCommerce Growth

    Jean-Yves LIEN

  • Eye-opening Content! As usual very concise, clear education on what for me is new information. I have been operating marketing funnels for years, but now realize some fundamental flaws in what I was doing. Course: How to Create a Multi-Channel Full-Funnel Marketing Strategy

    Nick Mayer

  • Clear and enlightening! Course: How to Create a Multi-Channel Full-Funnel Marketing Strategy

    Ambre Cadoux

  • Super Comprehensive! Really great step by step guide on how to increase traffic with the use of your time instead of spending money. Course: How to Increase Organic eCommerce Traffic

    Nick Mayer

  • Highly recommended! This course is highly recommended to anyone who is interested in learning about online business and growing their business without risking too much. Course: How to Build an eCommerce Growth Plan

    Ali Ghamlouch

  • Growth plan that can works for any ecom business! Great value! I really like his explanation of his old vs new way of eCommerce with his 5 steps Growth accelerator. Most business owners skip step 1 - Prepare for Growth which I noticed a lot in several businesses thinking that traffic will solve their problem. On top of that, Alaa added his personal Google spreadsheets that's he's currently using with his team. These spreadsheets are a goldmine because it's visual, self-explanatory and you save a headache trying to add or create formulas. Just simply copy-paste and you're done. You'll see a lot of value. Course: How to Build an eCommerce Growth Plan

    Jean-Yves LIEN

  • Essential for Planning for Growth! This course was extremely eye opening and really sums up planning for growth with explaining how ecom growth worked and how it's evolved and constantly changing. I love how it gives you actionable steps to take to implement changes and plan for growth. This is really getting me organized and helping me create a process and a roadmap of what I need to do to get to where I need to be. Thank you! Course: How to Build an eCommerce Growth Plan

    Lulu Lange

  • Incredibly helpful!! By far the best ads content I have read or worked through! This course is an absolute must for everyone who is looking to set up the right audiences and a proper ads/sales funnel or evergreen campaign! This course was helpful not just in terms of building out a strategy but also in terms of how to utilize the ads manager properly - by far the best ads course I have come across!

    Lucy Lanci

  • High-quality content! Module # 2 was even better than module # 1. This helped to understand all the strategies and a way to keep things under control ❤️ Thank you 😉 Course: eCommerce Email Marketing That Sells

    Elizabeth Verona

  • More great information. Very thorough, yet I appreciate the suggestions on top 3 to start with. Never would I have thought of direct snail mail as a good ROAS tool. Thanks Alaa!

    Nick Mayer

  • Super logical, concise; useful. Can't wait to put it into action. Course: How to Create Attention-Grabbing eCommerce Ad Creatives

    Nick Mayer